GNYDM Greater New York Dental Meeting 2023Products & Services Loupe system opt-on®, spot-on®nxt, spot-on®cordfree
Loupe system opt-on®, spot-on®nxt, spot-on®cordfree
orangedental GmbH & Co. KG
Simply ingenious + super light: The opt-on® loupe, which convinces with a top quality of only 32 g. The only TTL loupe of which the working distance can be changed afterwards using the patented Vario clip. In combination with spot-on® Nxt and spot-on® Cordfree, it sets new global standards in lightness, system integration, comfort, quality and design.
NEW: Endopositioner for better vision in the root canal (avoiding shadows) + spot-on® blue makes it easy to detect remaining cement/composites.
Further reading NEW: Endopositioner for better vision in the root canal (avoiding shadows) + spot-on® blue makes it easy to detect remaining cement/composites.
opt-on® loupe with spot-on® Cordfree light system without any cable - only 18 g.